Monday, September 30, 2019
Ancient Greek Contributions
Ancient Greek civilizations originated in 2000 B. C. and lasted to about 300 B. C. their culture still impacts Western civilization. Also Greeks spread their ideas all over the world. They contributed significantly with the ideas of geometry, philosophy, government, sporting events, architecture, sculpture, drama, and more. All of this came about and reached new heights during Greece’s â€Å"Golden Age†. This age lasted for about 50 years. Today all of our lives are greatly affected and influenced from the lives of Greeks. Today in the Western civilizations they use a form of government called democracy. Doc 3) There is a fragment from Pericles’ Funeral Oration. It describes Athens’ governmental plan. A system of government called democracy, where more citizens participate and have more say. In direct democracy citizens rule directly not through representation. Part of Pericles’ plan for Athens was to increase the number of public officials with pai d salaries and use direct democracy. Pericles plan for democracy was also for the poor to not be discriminated for social rankings. He also wanted the citizens to serve his country at any position on the social scale but you have to be a defined citizen. Pericles once stated â€Å"†¦power is in the hands not of a minority but of the whole people†. Athens went through a period of time of power struggles between the rich and poor. Today there are many countries that use democracy as a form of government. During Athens â€Å"Golden Age†philosophy started to take over. A philosopher is a person who offers views or theories on profound questions in ethics, metaphysics, and logic. They were also known as â€Å"lovers of wisdom†. Philosophers taught through questioning about life, family, friends, and religion. Socrates, a philosopher that came about during the birth of philosophy. He believed there was absolute standards existed for truth and justice. Socrates encouraged people to question their moral character and actions. For example, one of his most famous quotes was â€Å"The unexamined life is not worth living†(Doc1). At the age of 70 he was brought to trial for â€Å"corrupting the youth of Athens†. Government officials thought these ideas were radical, absurd, and dangerous. Socrates defended himself by forcing people to think for themselves. He had the decision to drink hemlock, a slow acting poison or tell the world that everything he said was a lie. He chose the hemlock and died. His contribution became an important part of Western civilization, a lesson that taught people to think for themselves and to stand up for what they believe in. Aristotle lived from 384 to 322 B. C. He was a student of Plato. Aristotle opened a school in Athens called the Lyceum. He believed in studying how things originated to achieve the clearest view. Aristotle invented a method for arguing according to logic. Aristotle questioned the nature of the world and human belief. He applied this method to psychology, physics, and biology. He believes that a life guided by human reason is superior to any other and that someone’s ability to reason distinguishes them from anyone else (Doc2). These ideas of human reasoning and standards for justice are still used in western civilization, therefore showing Greece’s influence and contribution. Another area of Greek achievement is theater. In ancient Greece plays became important. There were two kinds of plays written and performed, comedy and tragedy. A comedy back then usually made fun of a certain topic. A tragedy in ancient Greece usually dealt with a social or moral issue, or human suffering. In a tragedy play a girl named Antigone goes against the king’s orders and buries her brother, who was killed while leading a rebellion (Doc 6) shows an example of a tragedy play. In this play many Greeks values were expressed which is the same purpose of the majority of western civilizations plays today which was to express certain values. It can easily be noted that all over the world is significantly impacted by ancient Greece. They made major development and advancements in the areas of math, science, philosophy, art, government, and architecture.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Bristol Meyers Squibb
Employees Appraisal System is a method used by Human Resource Administrators for them to scale their employees regarding to their working relationship with other employees and work efficiency. This was done randomly and is accomplished by surveyed employee with all honesty and secrecy. In effect the HR Administrators will decide weather such employee be given a promotion, an increase of salary or none of those will be given on the basis of merits shown by Appraisal for such employee.Well as far as we can see, such appraisal system works effectively as far as Administrative aspect is concerned but in the Developmental aspect, appraisal systems may interpret datum which are created of personal biases because of its nature which is personally answered by an employee and as from that instance the person who is the subject of the said appraisal will have no chance to defend himself from any negative feedback and impression.So in this manner we can see the weakness of an appraisal system a s the results will come out in a written form as judgment and decision were already implemented over such employee. In eliminating an appraisal system will help the management to create or to formulate a new system which they could assess their employees in much interactive and creative manner, they could also exert more effort to know personally the people who works with them and n their own very eyes manager could personally assess their employees in a much personal sense with out the opinion of others that may somehow put such person into bad light.Only that, this could be a more time consuming work which could be lessen in a greater sense with the help of such appraisal system, it also may rate down the working efficiency of a company if appraisal system will not be use as there will be a numerous meetings which may interrupt the company’s official function.Lastly, it may deliver such deliberate arguments between such employees each in every meeting simply because of manà ¢â‚¬â„¢s natural differences in ideas which in the long run may result into a series of resignations because of such issues which may affect the company’s working environment. Reference: Grote, D. , & Grote, R. C. (2002). The Performance Appraisal Question and Answer Book: A Survival Guide for Managers. New York: AMACOM Div American Mgmt Assn.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Business Law for Educational Administration
As observed in the given scenario, Jim and Steve were regarded to be the directors and shareholders of XYZ Pty Ltd. They have their own shares in this corporate trustee. Jim had engaged $3000 in a consulting firm named ABC Pty Ltd since it will help the business to grow. The issue that arose was that the moment Jim engaged himself into the business XYZ Pyt Ltd became insolvent. The individual who will be liable to ABC Pty Ltd for the $3000 consultancy fees is all the shareholders and directors of the pany. However, there was no contract formed between Jim and Leon from the ABC Pty Ltd. Jim realized that if he invests that amount in this consultancy firm then, his trustee firm would be able to stand or make a position in the market. Therefore, Jim without consulting the members of the pany invested the amount. It can be stated that Jim along with other shareholders and directors will be liable to ABC Pyt Ltd. According to the pany Law, the directors and shareholders of the pany will be liable if one of the directors is at fault. A pany is an artificial person and therefore it cannot be sued or be liable for the activities of the pany[1]. A shareholder of a pany is said to be limited by shares that has limited liability. However, the shareholders are said to be limited to the nominal value of its shares. The pany has a separate legal personality as pared to t he shareholders and a separate liability to the individuals associated with the pany. It can be analyzed that if a pany b es insolvent based on the director’s fault then, that particular director and other existing shareholders will be liable for it. A shareholder is said to be not that interested in the pany but since Jim was one of the directors of the pany he will be liable for such an occurrence[2]. Such a situation has been observed in the case of . Shlensky v Wrigley. However, the beneficiaries of the fixed family trust were their two adult children Mathew and Jenna. Anyhow, the XYZ Pyt Ltd was struggling to find a foothold in the market that Jim engaged $3000 to the consultancy firm of ABC Pyt Ltd. Jim was confident about his investment in the ABC Pyt Ltd. As per the panies Act, the directors of a pany are exposed to the liabilities as a consequence of a breach of their duties. Liabilities generally arise under various statutes but in this scenario, it arose under the pany Law. Lastly, it can be concluded stating that Jim and Steve will be held liable to ABC Pyt Ltd for the consultancy fees of $3000. In this given case, Cheryl and Beryl were business partners and had started a business called CB Investments. Both of them made a partnership deed with the help of a lawyer. Both of them buys a mercial plot of land from Arnold. Beryl also bought a residential block from Arnold that Cheryl was unaware about[3]. The mercial land bought by them was later sold and they earned a huge amount of profits. After twelve months or after a year, Cheryl found out that Beryl had purchased the residential block to make a lucrative investment. Cheryl and Beryl were partners and started a business of investment together. Therefore, they can exercise the rights of partners on each other and as well as on their purchases. In Australia, as per the Limitations and Partnership Act, a partner cannot sue the other partner based on an incident that happened a year ago[4]. The limitation of the time-period for suing the partner is less than twelve months. Being partners, they have equal rights and must have equal knowledge of the activities taking place in the business. If Cheryl had knowledge about this incident before the period of twelve months, she could have sued Beryl for keeping secrets from the other partner[5]. The profit earned on the residential property of $300,000 was also not informed to Cheryl. It was the duty of Beryl to inform Cheryl about the extra profit earned on the residential block. However, as per the Law, the partners will be entitled to receive the same amount of profits and should know about what the other partner is upto. Instead of suing Beryl, Cheryl can ask for her share from the $300.000 that was earned from the residential block[6]. Beryl will be liable for keeping secrets from Cheryl. According to law, an incorporated limited partnership where a limited partner is involved will be liable only for a liability that has been acquired by the partnership. However, in certain circumstances, the limited partner will be held liable if the manner of the acts occur within the same State. A voluntary partnership can wind up if the agreement formed does not exist. As seen in the case of Griffiths CJ in Land v James Morrison & Co Ltd, one of the partners failed to sue the other partner because the duration was not less than twelve months. The CB Investments was a business set up by both Cheryl and Beryl in Queensland. The partnership deed should be a well documented one so that Cheryl can claim for her shares but since the limited period was twelve months and she found out about it a y ear later it will not make any difference[7]. However, Cheryl will be advised to sue Beryl for keeping secrets from her during the course of their partnership but will fail to do so because of the limited period. Lastly, it can be concluded stating that according to law, a partner can sue the other partner during their course of partnership based on the limitation period time. It can be observed it is important to discuss and disclose the activities of the partners during the course of partnership. Suing each other depends on the period of limitation[8]. Chen, Vivien, Ian Ramsay, and Michelle Welsh. "Corporate law reform in Australia: An analysis of the influence of ownership structures and corporate failure." (2016). De Silva Lokuwaduge, Chitra, and Anona Armstrong. ‘The impact of governance on the performance of the higher education sector in Australia.’ Educational Management Administration & Leadership 43.5 (2015): 811-827. Du Plessis, Jean Jacques, and Andreas Rà ¼hmkorf. ‘New trends regarding sustainability and integrated reporting for panies: what protection do directors have?.’ (2015). Lyons, Malcolm, and Amanda Stark. "Enhanced scope for extension of patent term for pharmaceuticals under Australian law." Pharmaceutical patent analyst 4.5 (2015): 351-355. Mà ©ndez, Carlos Fernà ¡ndez, Shams Pathan, and Rubà ©n Arrondo Garcà a. ‘Monitoring capabilities of busy and overlap directors: Evidence from Australia.’ Pacific-Basin Finance Journal 35 (2015): 444-469. Murray, Philomena. "EU–Australia relations: a strategic partnership in all but name?." Cambridge Review of International Affairs 29.1 (2016): 171-191. Voon, Tania SL, and Andrew D. Mitchell. "The Trans-Pacific Partnership as a Development of the Australia-United States Free Trade Agreement: Services Liberalization and Investment Protection." (2016). Warner, Michael, and Rory Sullivan. "Introduction." Putting Partnerships to Work. Routledge, 2017. 12-23.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Experimental economics summary paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Experimental economics summary paper - Essay Example Main Findings The article specifically showed that reciprocity is achieved when trust has been developed through personal and social interaction. This was identified in the experiment using the concept of investment game. The belief that self-interest can substantially explain how an individual may behave from an economic standpoint was challenged and proved to be insufficient to give explanation in understanding human behavior in the economic context (Berg, Dickhaut, & McCabe 137). The concept of trust and reciprocity was found to be dominating in the investment game which implies that individuals try to develop relationship and are willing to give up self-interested motives. The whole point of this is that an individual wants to continue harmonious relationship and aim for stability in order to be treated with fairness and equality in the long run. Another important justification and which could also stand as another important result is the inclusion of social norm as the basis of decision of an individual to go for trust and reciprocity (Berg, Dickhaut, & McCabe 132).
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Procurement and Purchasing Strategies(Critique) Essay
Procurement and Purchasing Strategies(Critique) - Essay Example In this paper, this concept will be discussed in detail considering three scholarly articles in order to know what benefits does outsourcing provide to companies and what concerns companies usually have in deciding whether they should outsource the procurement process or not. Discussion The articles chosen for this discussion included ‘The Make-or-Buy Decision in the Presence of a Rival: Strategic Outsourcing to a Common Supplier’ by Arya, Mittendorf and Sappington, ‘The procurement function’s role in strategic outsourcing from a process perspective’ by Carter and Yan, and ‘Strategic procurement outsourcing: a paradox in current theory’ by Fernandez and Kekale. The main concept behind all of these articles is that outsourcing is basic need of today for companies to operate efficiently. For example, Carter and Yan (2007, p. 210) state that there are many benefits of adopting this approach some of which include reduced costs, improved compe titiveness, and increased focus on other business processes. Some more benefits of outsourcing the procurement function to external sources include improvement in efficiency levels and reduced transaction costs (Fernandez & Kekale 2007, p. 168). Procurement outsourcing also provides strategic benefits to companies (Arya, Mittendorf & Sappington 2008, p. 1749). Moreover, Fernandez and Kekale (2007, p. 168) also found that reduced cost is a very significant benefit of procurement outsourcing if we consider the increased percentage of external goods and services purchases. Fernandez and Kekale (2007, p. 168) also found that a company outsourcing its procurement functions can achieve at least five times more saving as compared to the savings that achieve from outsourcing other processes, such as, HR activities and financial operations. This figure suggests that procurement outsourcing is really a very beneficial aspect of doing business in the modern world where the competition is conti nuously increasing with every passing day. However, companies usually have some concerns regarding outsourcing their procurement functions to external sources. For example, managers of such companies feel that they will become dependent on other firms if they completely outsource the procurement function. They also feel that this approach will lead to downsizing ion their firms which will out a negative impact on the careers of many employees working for purchasing and procurement department. Manager also have other concerns like what they should actually outsource, whom should they outsource their procurement function, and whether outsourcing to a common supplier in presence of competitors will be a viable option or not (Carter & Yan 2007; Arya, Mittendorf & Sappington 2008). Some managers think that if they outsource their procurement function to a supplier which is also serving some of its competitors, it will increase the cost because of monopolistic power of the supplier. Howev er, in actual, there is no such case and the monopolistic input supplier serves all clients equally (Arya, Mittendorf & Sappington 2008, p. 1747). According to Cohen and Roussel (2005), the purpose of outsourcing is to add value to suppliers while reducing business costs. Procurement means to acquire those goods and services which a company needs to have for completing its manufacturing processes. If these goods and servi
Steal Making Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Steal Making - Essay Example This paper explores steel making, fabrication techniques, material science and properties that make steel one of the most useful components in engineering and construction. Steel is the most important metallic material used in engineering and construction. In 2013 alone, the net global steel production was 1,607.2 million metric tons. China, the largest producer, contributed almost 49% of the total global output, the European Union’s total output of 779.0 million metric tons. Overall, the world’s steel production has increased steadily, signaling the rising importance of steel (Yap 20). Steel has been previously used for the production of tools and other implements in many parts of the world before it became the most common material in modern times. Steelmaking has continually evolved from the ancient production in bloomery furnaces to the current efficient mass production (Murr 42). Steel is itself not a singular material, but rather a combination primarily composed of iron and carbon which form an alloy. Other components of steel include manganese, phosphorous, silicon, oxygen and sulfur. Mass production of steel became more efficient starting in the 17th Century with the development of blister and crucible steel (Murr 50). In 1856, the Englishman Henry Bessemer invented a steel smelting technique called the Bessemer process. The entry of the Bessemer process in the 19th Century was perhaps the defining point for mass steel production. Other production techniques such as the Siemens-Martins process and the Gilchrist-Thomas process followed, but they served to refine the steel production process further. Steel is, therefore, popular for construction and many other uses since unlike other forms of iron such as wrought iron; it is harder and possesses tensile strength. The report shall describe the various processes undertaken in the formation of steel (Huaixiang, Zhang and Xingqi n.p).
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Multimedia and the Internet Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Multimedia and the Internet - Research Paper Example The user has the ability to make member accounts on the website that is free currently. The website enables the user to gather the accessories of his or her interest by making an account also enabling the website to inform them of promotional activities and sales through emails. Advantage that the website provides is the function of displaying new items on the shelf at the home page. Apart from that, products that are in fashion are displayed at the home page with a brief insight on them to enable the user to get familiar with the product. A search section is also provided in case a user wants to search for a specific product on the website or look for several related products. The website also provides a function of comparing products on the basis of several factors and ranking them accordingly to provide the user the best brand according to his demands. The website design is perfect and up to the standards of any good website, there are no error links meaning every link does take you to a new page that displays information related to the caption of the link. The website contains all the information that a customer will need regarding the product with the added advantage of a simple window to window moving procedure. The website is quite user friendly and covers all the concepts that any good website does. Overview The second website that's going to be discussed on the same given standards is Computer Shops that is basically a search portal that provides the user list of websites that are selling computer accessories online. The difference between the two websites is a major one but we are not comparing here. Design and Layout This website is quite attractive and interactive but the problem is that the websites outlook is not as attractive as the one we discussed earlier. The options and functionality are obviously limited as this website is a search portal. Functions and Navigation The research portal gives the user access to articles and products related to computer accessories from all over the World Wide Web. The website also enables a user to search for different online shops. The website is easy to read with a simple two colored background and a decent font. The website also contains pictures to help give a clear and broader meaning to the material present on the website plus the user gets a clearer picture of the product and the search results. The website's additional advantage is that it also provides results from local databases as well as international. Error Links The error links that the website provide go up to twenty-five and are displayed on the home page of the website. Source coding = attached to the appendix Overall Feedback The website belongs to second-class category and the error links are the major draw back for the website. Tons of information is provided but moving through it is not as easy as it could have been, a certain amendment in the search method would give the website a better ranking. Overview The third website we will discuss is about Personal Computers and the name of the website is Southern Computers. Design and Layout The website's first impression is of a local low budget website with a very dull colored backgroun
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
In what ways does the internet expand contemporary mediated public Essay
In what ways does the internet expand contemporary mediated public life with what consequences - Essay Example rticular platform is distinct from the state, because it plays the role of fostering the creation, exchange and communication of discussions, which can in some cases, be critical and attacking to the state and its authority (Washbourne, 2010, p. 122). Due to the distinctive nature of the sphere, it is believed that a new public outlook is needed, to secure the critical role of this new arena, and to help with the institutionalization of democracy (Emden and Midgley, 2013). The supporters of the new field of discourse maintain that the internet is a means that can be used for the expansion of citizen discourse in improving the rationality of public opinion; the arena allows citizens to participate in the politics of their societies. However, the internet is viewed in a more critical manner, as compared to the internet, as it is considered a platform for radical democracy, which can help marginalized groups. The internet is considered particularly important to the groups that are marginalised in mainstream public sphere, as a platform that allows them the opportunity to start forums, connect with one another, and challenge the practices and the meanings propagated by mainstream groups (Emden and Midgley, 2013). Through this paper, the author will explore the relationship between contemporary politics and social media, through the critical analysis of theories, concepts, and ideas, shading more light using theoretical models. Before the emergence of the innovative media, the traditional mass media platforms used for broadcasting and press communication were considered sufficient and beneficial to the society, helping it to guarantee the administration of democratic politics (Emden and Midgley, 2013). Traditional media platforms were also considered sufficient enough to communicate and sustain public opinion across the public sphere. Their sufficiency was evident from the fact that traditional media could transmit information to politicians and citizens, and it
Monday, September 23, 2019
The History of Rock and Roll Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The History of Rock and Roll - Essay Example However, crossover music may also be a combination of two dominant styles that are each distinctive. Jerry Lee Lewis' "Great Balls of Fire" went to the top 3 of the C&W, R&B, and Pop charts because it had distinctive elements of all three styles. Musical styles can sometimes be combined into 'fusion' music, such as Rockabilly, that forms a new style but is still considered a form of crossover. Crossover is important because it increases the size of the available audience. This is especially true when radio stations are categorized by genre. An audience will have a loyalty to a certain station and by getting airtime on both a rock station and a country station, the artist has doubled their exposure. This phenomena was critical to 45-RPM record sales in the 1950s. Exposure to new music was through the radio and record sales were directly linked to airtime and radio station promotion. A crossover record could double their sales or as in the case of "Great Balls of Fire", sales could triple. Elvis Presley's musical career peaked in 1960 before he left for the Army. The previous 6 years had an enormous impact on rock and roll that his later career would never have been able to capture. When Elvis signed with Sun Records in 1954, he brought the right ingredients to an environment that meshed perfectly with his style (Stuessy and Lipscomb 36). Rock and Roll had been introduced to a rebellious post war youth in an affluent economy. The 45-RPM record had made music on demand accessible for everyone and it was most popular with the younger audience. To this scene, Elvis brought his unique mix of musical talents. He had a broad range of style from Gospel to hard core Rock and Roll that held a wide appeal (Stuessy and Lipscomb 40). He could successfully blend these styles or use them independently. His physical appearance and performances were just rebellious enough to mirror James Dean and entrance the emerging TV viewers. Elvis was able to dominate the youth culture and explo it the new mediums of recording and television. After his release from the Army, Rock and Roll had taken new directions and had a life of its own. Music was getting more sophisticated and the audiences had generated expectations of a continually changing sound. His 1960s hits "In the Ghetto" and "Suspicious Minds" lacked the spark that had ignited the Rock revolution (Stuessy and Lipscomb 38). They were generic sounds that could have been performed by a dozen other artists. Though he would always remain one of the most popular figures in music, without the early years he would never have reached the success that he has today. A Good 1950s Rock and Roll Song The Rock and Roll of the 1950s was a pulling away from the Big Band era and the crooners of the 1940s. It had to be counter to those sounds. Where Big Band had been highly structured, Rock was required to have little if any structure. This often resulted in songs that were simple and direct with few chords and simple progressions. This was part of Rock's appeal. A good song needed a familiar structure that the audience could immediately relate to. Buddy Holly's "Oh Boy" was built on the I IV V chord progression that had permeated Country and Blues for decades (Stuessy and Lipscomb 30). The successful song would take these familiar progressions and escalate the tempo, timbre, and volume to create a good Rock and Roll
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Preparing Salts- IB Lab Essay Example for Free
Preparing Salts- IB Lab Essay Calcium chloride (CaCl2) has been manufactured for over 100 years. The salt is used in a variety of industrial and consumer products, and is supplied as flakes, pebbles, pellets, powders and solutions with varying concentrations. Calcium chloride dissociates easily in water to form Ca and Cl ions. Calcium is essential for the formation of skeletons, neural transmission, and muscle contraction, coagulation of the blood, and algae and higher plant growth. Chloride ions are also required for normal cellular operations in animals and humans, and serve as a micronutrient for plants, playing important roles in photosynthesis and osmoregulation. Calcium chloride is considered to be practically non-toxic to aquatic organisms and bioaccumulation is unlikely. Calcium chloride does not burn and is not flammable. Calcium chloride is corrosive to some metals. Calcium chloride is completely soluble in water. Because calcium chloride is hygroscopic, it should be stored in a dry place and be protected from atmospheric moisture. Heat is produced when calcium chloride is dissolved in water and spattering and boiling can occur. (Calcium Chloride SIDS Initial Assessment Profile, 4, 12-14) Salts are prepared by five methods. A metal can combine directly with a nonmetal to form a salt. A metal can react with acid to form a salt and release hydrogen gas. A base can react with an acid to form a salt and water. An acid can react with a carbonate and form a salt, carbon dioxide and water. And finally two salts can react to form two other salts. AIM (PURPOSE) Our aim was to create 0,124 grams of calcium chloride. In order to prepare the salt, we used a base and an acid. The reason why we chose this method was first, we had the chemicals and second, using two salts was dangerous. So we have decided to use neutralization method. HYPOTHESIS We predict that we will obtain 0.124 grams of CaCl2, because we used the correct stoichiometric amounts of the reactants HCl and Ca(OH)2 , according to the mole ratio for their reaction. VARIABLES To prepare the right amount of salt, we had to keep the temperature stable. We used room temperature. Although we heated the beaker, we let it cool down before measuring its mass. Another constant variable was concentration. We had to keep it still so that there wouldnt be a change in the reaction. Everybody in the class prepared different salt so everybody had different kinds of ions and since the salts were different, their solubility was different too. MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT Beaker 100 ml 0.0815 grams of HCl 0.0828 grams of Ca(OH)2 Plastik dropper Scale Heater Spatula PROCEDURE 1) First of all, we decided which acid and base we should use. Since we had HCl and Ca(OH)2 in chemistry lab, we decided to use this acid and base. 2) We wrote the chemical equation of the reaction. 2HCl + Ca(OH)2 2H2O + CaCl2 We used HCl acid and Ca(OH)2 base. When an acid and a base react, they form water and a salt. After writing down the products and reactants, we balanced the equation. 3) In order to make 0.124 grams of salt, we needed to know the amount of reactants we should use. To find out, we used stoichiometry. 2HCl + Ca(OH)2 2H2O + CaCl2 2 moles 1 mole 2 moles 1 mole H:1.01 Ca:40.08 H2:2.02 Ca:40.08 Cl:35.45 O2: 32.00 O:16.00 Cl2:70.9 (35.45+1.01)à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½2 H2: 2.02 (2.02+16.00)à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½2 Mr: 72.92 grams Mr: 74.1 grams Mr: 36.04 grams Mr: 110.98 grams 72.92à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½0.124à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½110.98= 0.0815 grams of HCl (which is 20 drops) 36.04à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½0.124à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½110.98= 0.0828 grams of Ca(OH)2 4) We measured exactly 0.0828 grams of Ca(OH)2 . 5) We added 20 drops of HCl into the Ca(OH)2. 6) To have only salt as a product, we needed to heat the beaker so that the water would evaporate. After we heated the beaker for several minutes, we let it cool. 7) When the beaker was cool enough, we measured the salt and the beakers mass. It was 32,5097 à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½0,0005 grams. To make sure that there was no water, we decided to heat and measure it again. 8) The second time we heat and cooled and measured it, we found 32, 4896 à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½0,0005 grams. 9) Then we washed the beaker and measured it when its empty. We found 32.3551à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½0,0005 grams. 10) We subtracted the beaker and the salts mass from the empty beakers mass to find salts mass. The salts mass is 0,1345à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ 0,0005 grams. Our aim was to prepare 0.124 grams of CaCl2 salt. RAW DATA PROCESSED DATA 1st Measurement (à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½0,00005 g) 2nd Measurement (à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½0,00005 g) Beaker+Salt Salt Beaker+Salt Salt 32,5097 à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½0,0005 g 0.1546 à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½0,0005 g 32, 4896 à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½0,0005 g 0,1345 à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½0,0005 g CONCLUSION Our aim was to create 0,124 grams of calcium chloride. In order to prepare the salt, we used a base and an acid. To achieve our aim, first we decided which method we should use to prepare this salt. We had two options because we didnt have other materials. We could have used either two salts or a base and an acid. After deciding to use a base and an acid, we used stoichiometry, which is a quantitative branch of chemistry. Stoichiometry is the science of measuring the quantitative proportions or mass ratios in which chemical elements stand to one another(Jeremias Benjaim Richter, 1762-1807). We calculated the amount of chemicals we should use. Then we started preparing our salt and reacted base with the acid. After heating the beaker to eliminate water, we get our salt. We measured it and found out that we prepared 0,1345 à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½0,0005 grams of CaCl2 salt. The reason why we get water and a salt when we react bases and acids is simple. Everything started with Swedish chemist Jons Berzelius, who said that acids and bases have opposite charges. After that the Arrhenius Theory explained that an acid is a compound which produces hydrogen ions and a base is the one that produces hydroxide ions when dissolved in water. Then as the Bronsted-Lowry Theory indicated, when an acid behaves like a donor (an acid as an H+ ion), it means that the hydrogen ion is separating from the acidic compound and when a base behaves like an acceptor (a base as an H+ ion), the hydrogen ion is bonding with the basic compound. Because water molecules are polar, the negative charges tend to congregate on one end of the molecule with the oxygen atom, while the positive charges remain on the other end with the hydrogen atoms. The Brà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½nsted-Lowry model emphasizes the role played by water, which pulls the proton from the acid, resulting in the creation of the hydronium ion (Zumdahl, Introductory Chemistry: A Foundation). Then finally with the Lewis Theory, which extends Arrhenius and Bronsted-Lowry theories, it was discovered that bases gives electrons and acids accepts them. So, an acid and a base react, since they attract each other. And when they react, the base generates OH+ and the acid generates H+ which forms water. And the other ions react to form a salt. With this experiment we not only used what we have learned about preparing salts but we also used stoichiometry, which is a very important topic in chemistry. We did all the calculations and the experiment ourselves and we get to apply our knowledge. EVALUATION Although the result we get was really close, we didnt exactly find 0.124 grams of CaCl2. The percentage error of the experiment is %9. We found 0.1345 à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ 0,0005 grams. To make this experiment better, first of all we could have research our salt and learn more about it. We didnt know that Ca(OH)2 is hygroscopic in the first time we measured its mass. Thats why its mass may have been measured more than it should be. But the second time we measured the beaker, we were more careful however still when we let the beaker to cool, its mass might have increased. After we heated the beaker, we waited for several minutes and waited it to cool but the beaker and the salt within might have been still warm. If we measured salts mass when it was still hot, that means we found the mass more than it should be. If we had more time, maybe we could be sure that it was in the room temperature and then measure it. Although we cleaned the beaker after the experiment, we might have left salt in it and when we measured empty beakers mass, we might have found something wrong. We could have cleaned it more neatly. REFERENCES Calcium Chloride SIDS Initial Assessment Profile, UNEP Publications, SIAM 15, Boston, October 22-25, 2002, pages 4, 12-14. Zumdahl, Steven S. Introductory Chemistry: A Foundation, 4th ed. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2000.
Friday, September 20, 2019
The importance of communication in aviation
The importance of communication in aviation Academic Research Paper Aircraft is acknowledged as the most straightforward route for transportation on the planet. It is constantly utilized as a real and useful transportation across urban communities and countries. Subsequently the impact of aeronautics well being on human life is fundamentally essential. It is likewise extremely essential to give a careful consideration and be mindful of any conditions that may influence the well being issue in the field of aeronautics. Since the past aircraft crashes, it is evident that numerous aircraft calamities have been happened inside distinctive circumstances and causes. Communication difficulties and errors have been considered as a major factor in aircraft crashes. Ricard has mentioned â€Å"Air Traffic Control Management service methods are principles of technologies which were launched in 1950’s. From 1950 the Air Traffic Control Management were using a simple swapping of voice among the Air Traffic Controller and pilot.†The most paramount co mponents that could be included in correspondence failure are because of lapses including people. Hence, misconstruing, absence of imparting plans and absence of clearness in configuration briefs, innovation and association disappointments, are some of numerous issues in conveying inside the aviation field. Regardless of the imperativeness of the above issues in flight calamities, one issue which is normal in numerous aircraft catastrophes is an absence of imparting data and information. Therefore in this paper I have tried to talk about the communication in aviation which includes the importance of communication between the pilot and the Air Traffic Controller and other numerous interchanges alongside the connection where the safety issues are introduced and effects of misleading communication and recommendations for improvements. Firstly. The importance of communication is that when the aircraft is service it needs to be guided step by step on every single movement or changes it goes through on its journey, if there is no one to guide the aircraft when it is in air then it is good as a flightless bird. During this journey of the aircraft from one destination to the other the worst scenario is expected as no one has clue of what could go wrong when. So at all times the aircraft has to feed the ground controllers with all the information and system changes that takes place to help maintain the aircraft safety. Now when the aircraft travel from one country to another then in order for the pilot or cockpit crew to communicate with that country Air Traffic controller it is impossible for the pilot to learn the respective language or the vice versa. If this was the case there will many difficulties and confusion in the communication so to avoid this it was identified that â€Å"English†will be used as the i nternational language to facilitate the communication as it is a must that everyone has to learn this common language. Even when it has been established that communication between the pilot and ground or pilot and cockpit crew is important for the safety of the flight, they still fail to feed the correct or insufficient information while communicating, for example there was an incident where the aircraft was to land in the Miami airport and the it had two problems one was that it was losing its altitude and the other one was the nose gear light wouldn’t work, so the air traffic controller was aware of the elevation problem but not nose gear and the cockpit crew was aware of the nose gear problem but not losing the altitude so when the air traffic controller contacted the pilot all he asked was â€Å"How are things coming along out there?†and pilot replied â€Å"OK†both of them were referring to a different problems and in while the plane crashed in to the ever glades. This is due to lack of information and knowledge. Secondly. The effects of miscommunication, miscommunication could cause massive disaster of the aircraft, as the pilot will take decisions based on the information he receives from the air traffic controller and if the air traffic controller interprets wrong information then the pilot’s calculations will go wrong. There are many reasons for miscommunication, due to faulty in the equipments which is used to communicate or not conveying messages properly. When one party conveying message to another they do not ensure that if the message has been properly passed on or not. Misconception is a basic sort of correspondence lapse. As stated by Krivonos, â€Å"from the past disasters the reasons of numerous flight debacles are because of false impression or listening to wrong data. He likewise showed that typically much of the time, individuals hear what they hope to hear instead of what is really said; thusly this desire is not generally right. In this circumstance, it is accepted t hat when individuals make presumptions from their desires, they decipher the message from the genuine mean and what should listen.†An alternate fault that could result in numerous mishaps and catastrophes is the off base verbal correspondence between the cockpit crew and the air traffic controller. Correspondence between cockpit crew and the controller are conceivable because of moving of data in information connection and radio. The connection of information decreases the possibility of misconception data between the ground controllers and cockpit crew on the other hand, the radio permits the ground controller to verify the pilots understanding and in the event of listening to wrong data, the direction will be transmitted in an alternate structure. Lastly. Recommendations for improvements in communication in aviation, the use of (SCAD) are a very useful. Therefore utilizing a framework to trade the data and information between the flight and the air traffic controller is vital in future advancement. Utilizing the satellite correspondence and a Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) framework is needed for withdrawing information. The SCADA framework with incorporated control will assist to keep all advanced data and have the capacity to exchange information and files to diverse associations. The computerized data then might be transformed for further choice in Ground Control Management. As more than enough and right data is utilized for preparing, the best and the correct choice will be taken. SCADA is a structure that gathers information and data from many different standards of resource. In such circumstance sensors could be introduced in every aircraft to interpret all information to a focal area or processor for m anaging and withdrawal of paramount information. The best preference of SCADA is that it can consequently work without individual impedance thereby decreasing the danger of an individual failure. SCADA boost up the proficiency of getting information. This will reduce the measure of hazard that an aircraft could be in danger of. It empowers to gather information naturally and guarantee the right data being imparted and serves to decrease the amount of erroneous data that could be imparted by any aircraft organization. Morlet et al projected â€Å"the use of new advances, for example, satellite frameworks for information transmit and correspondence in flying. They brought up that the satellite correspondences will handle incredible achievement in transport administrators, for example, planes, ships, and trains. Presented utilizing expansive band satellite correspondence framework for administration in teams of aeronautical situations.†Radzik proposed a framework plan for get t o in air nautical provisions utilizing the same satellite connections as prompt inspiration of satellite interchanges for ground traffic control. The satellite framework permits imparting of data in the flight framework. In this manner, air movement controllers can accept more terrific understanding into administration, while pilots are answerable for staying off the beaten path of other flights. They called attention to that utilizing distinctive advances for diverse flight stages is essential in future. Thusly, in view of the past studies, a proposal is recommended for development of avionics framework administration. The aviation industry is expanding and even when there are many aircrafts accidents which are mostly due to miscommunication between the cockpit crew and air traffic controller. Communication is one of the vital things that aircraft requires when it is in service as without communication the aircraft is blinded, miscommunication could even make things worse which would ultimately end up with a catastrophic event and so it is necessary that correct measurements has to taken to improve communication by using Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCAD) and proper air traffic management. This change has to be carried out immediately and the result will be visible in the changes that have been made. Also requires more research on this idea and attempt more to reduce the aircraft crashes by vast number. In conclusion the communication is very important human factor which leads to many aircraft crashes and incidents while cruising and on ground. Therefore everyone in the aviation sector is obliged to have good communication skills, and should implement steps to reduce miscommunication. Word count: 1510
Thursday, September 19, 2019
The Impact on America of Turkish, Greek and Italian Immigrants and Thei
The Impact on America of Turkish, Greek and Italian Immigrants and Their Respective Cultures My Big Fat Greek Wedding, The Godfather, The Italian Job, Roberto Benigni, Mario Andretti, Frank Capra, spaghetti, gelato, Turkish baths.? What do all of these have in common All of them are well known parts of American culture, yet they have all been influenced and inspired by Italian, Greek, and Turkish immigrants and their respective cultures.? Because America is a melting pot of cultures, it is understandable that each participating culture brings its own unique flavor to the mix.? Three of the most evident portions of American society, entertainment, food, and religion are also probably the three portions most affected by the infusion of new immigrants and culture.? This influence is especially evident when the immigrants concerned hail from the countries of Turkey, Italy, and Greece.? Their impact is wide reaching and long-lasting. My Big Fat Greek Wedding was the fifth highest grossing movie in the US in 2002, and is the highest grossing independent movie ever.? The only movies that brought in more money were all special effects intensive such as Spider-Man, The Lord of The Rings:? The Two Towers, and Star Wars:? Episode Two.? My Big Fat Greek Wedding instead focused on the simple story of a Greek woman falling in love with a non-Greek man and the way in which they attempt to blend their very different backgrounds.? Nia Vardalos, the writer and star of the movie, is the descendent of Greek immigrants and clearly applied her own cultural background and experience to the movie. Audiences learned how most Greek children in America attend Greek school, Greek families are very close, and that there is an expectation f... ... immigrants as well as subsequent generations.? The traditions of various cultures, especially Italian, Greek, and Turkish cultures are evident in the history of the American movie.? Our diet is also largely comprised of ethnic foods, particularly Italian.? The various places of worship available to parishioners also exemplify the impact of immigrants.? Without the countless interactions between varying cultures, America would not be the multi-faceted country that it is.? America truly is a melting pot of countries, and as each of these countries continue to contribute aspects of their culture, the diversity and uniqueness of America will continue to increase. Works Cited: Buscaglia, Leo. Papa, My Father. New Jersey: SLACK, 1989.
Executive Summary of the Hispanic Market Essay -- Hispanic Culture Mar
Executive Summary of the Hispanic Market â€Å"Latinos are changing the way the country looks, feels, and thinks, eats, dances, and votes. From teeming immigrant meccas to small-town America, they are filling churches, building businesses, and celebrating this Latin heritage.... In America, a country that constantly redefines itself, the rise of Latinos also raises questions about race, identity, and culture – and whether the United States will ever truly be one nation.†(Larmer, pg. 50) This passage aptly describes the dawning of a new ‘enlightenment’ era in the United States. Marketers are beginning to focus on an emerging market known as the Hispanic/Latino community. The sheer strength of the Hispanic market can no longer be avoided as marketers are realizing that traditional methods of reaching a generalized market segment do not apply to the complex Hispanic culture. In the last half of the 20th century, the size of the Hispanic market in America grew exponentially. Traditional attempts to capitalize on the Hispanic market failed in large part to stereotypes and cultural myths. A new focus was necessary to attract, reach and retain the market. In order tackle this potentially lucrative market, marketers need to understand the cultural attributes that define the Hispanic market. Their primary focus is to understand the statistical values that characterize the group. Census figures over the last thirty years clearly illustrate a pattern of growth, not only in population, but in wealth and education as well. Clearly, this is becoming a stronger, savvier and better-educated market. As marketers become better acquainted with the Hispanic market, they have found several attributes that are typical of the Hispanic culture and influence in America. They first need to understand that the term â€Å"Hispanic†is a broad generalization of several cultures and races, each with distinct characteristics and values. Once an understanding that many subcultures encompass the Hispanic community, marketers can disseminate the target market and address those characteristics shared amongst the Hispanic community. Level of acculturation, brand loyalty, language, religion and a strong sense of family are those shared traits that need further study in order to properly understand what Hispanics believe, care for and personify. Once a deeper comprehension of the Hispa... ...d Asians. New York, NY: American Marketing Association. 1987. Guernica, Antonio. Reaching the Hispanic Market Effectively; The Media, the Market, the Methods. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Book Co. 1982. Larmer, Brook. Latino America. Newsweek, July 12, pg. 50-58. 1999. Noriega, Chon and Ana M. Lopez, Eds. The Ethnic Eye: Latino Media Arts. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press. 1996. â€Å"Riverside†Webster’s Tenth New Collegiate Dictionary. 1998 Rodriguez, America. Making Latino News; Race, Language, Class. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. 1999 Roslow, Peter, and Janel Therrien Decker. A Guide to Building Market Dominance: Case Histories in Hispanic Marketing. Roslow Research Group Inc., 1998. United States Census Bureau. â€Å"Census 2000†. Washington: 2002. (30 Sep. 2002) United States Census Bureau. â€Å"Historical Income Tables-Households†. 2002. (30 Sep. 2002) Valdes, M. Isabel. â€Å"Marketing to American Latinos; A Guide to the In-Culture Approach†. Ithaca, NY: Paramount Market Publishing, Inc. 2000. Whitefield, Mimi. â€Å"Mining the Market†The Miami Herald 17 Oct. 2001, C1+
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Pushing Kids to the Limit Essay -- Essays Papers
Pushing Kids to the Limit Children today seem to be involved in many activities outside of school. A number of children may play soccer, swim, play an instrument, and help out around the house while at the same time trying to succeed academically. In many cases, the vast number of sports played by these children is due to the parent’s encouragement, or enforcement. Some parents may enforce after school activities in order to keep their children away from the â€Å"evils of society†: drugs, alcohol, and simply loitering and causing trouble. Unfortunately, at times, the pressure from the parents can have negative effects on the children academically and/or socially. Some reasons that parents push their kids so much, could be the small possibility of a college scholarship or money for the child in the future, keeping their children off the street, or the chance that the parents are living vicariously through their child’s sports glory. Title IX is a law that requires high schools and colleges to give the same amount of money to both girls and boys sports in an attempt to make the genders equal. However, instead of simply equalizing the two sides, this law provides more scholarships for women because they are still competing in fewer sports than men. This will usually peak the parent’s interest, making them believe that there are plenty of scholarships out there for their daughters. Unfortunately this is not exactly true. As Lester Munson, an associate editor at Sports Illustrated, explains it (in an article by Brendan Tierney), â€Å"This is the theory that many parents have that if they start their child young enough, and work him or her hard enough, that he or she will get a college scholarship or become a professional athle... Yes, get children involved in sports and activities. In the long run it will pay off, but please, keep it all in perspective. Works Cited - Shields, David Light. â€Å"Another View: The reality of Olympic dreams for children.†2002. (November 5, 2002). - â€Å"Study show athletes among heaviest college drinkers.†May 7, 1998. Shawnee News Star. (November 16, 2002). - Tierney, Brendan. â€Å"How to Become a Better Sports Parent.†September 18, 2002. (November 3, 2002). - â€Å"Vacation or Training Day? Shanghai Parents Shaping Their Children.†July 23, 2002. Shanghai Star. (November 17, 2002).
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Elements of a State and Philippine Constitution Essay
State A community of persons more or less numerous, permanently occupying a definite portion of territory, independent of external control, and possessing an organized government to which the great body of its inhabitants render habitual obedience (De Leon, 2000). The Philippines is a state. Elements of a State The first element of a state is the people, which is known to be the most essential and indispensable element of a state. This is the mass of the population, or the number of people living within the state. There is no specific number of people required living within a state so that it could be called a state. The second element is the territory, which is the established area that rightly belongs to the people of the state. This is the aerial (air), terrestrial (land), fluvial (stream/river), and maritime (water) domains of the state. The third element is the government, which is the agency to which the will of the state is expressed, created and administered. This is a group of people or institutions which run and rule the society. The fourth element is the sovereignty, which is known as the supreme power of the state to command and enforce obedience its will from the people. Territory According to Article One, National Territory, of The 1987 Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines: â€Å"The national territory comprises the Philippine archipelago, with all the islands and waters embraced therein, and all other territories over which the Philippines has sovereignty or jurisdiction, consisting of its terrestrial, fluvial and aerial domains, including its territorial sea, the seabed, the subsoil, the insular shelves, and other submarine areas. The waters around, between, and connecting the islands of the archipelago, regardless of their breadth and dimensions, form part of the internal waters of the Philippines.†This means that all the area that is encompassed by 185 kilometers (100 nautical miles) from the Philippine shore, under the seabed even, is a territory of the Philippines. This is sometimes also known as the â€Å"Philippine Area of Responsibility†, a term used by PAG-ASA and other weather agencies to determine for example, if a typhoon or a Low Pressure Area has entered our territory. Constitution of the Philippines The constitution of the Philippines is the most important part of a state. The national territory and all the fundamental laws- the set of rules and principles- can be found here. The Constitution also enunciates state principles and policies. Among the principles and policies embodied in the Constitution are: (1) Sovereignty of the people; (2) Renunciation of war as an instrument of national policy; (3) Supremacy of civilian authority over the military; (4) Service and protection of the people as the prime duty of the Government; (5) Separation of Church and State; (6) Guarantee of human rights; (7) Separation of power among the various branches of governments; and (8) Autonomy for local government units. One of the central components of the Constitution is the Bill of Rights, which declares and enumerates the basic rights and liberties of the people which the government (or any person) is forbidden to violate or encroach upon. Among the rights granted by the Constitution are: (1) Due process of law and equal protection; (2) Right against unreasonable search and seizure; (3) Right of privacy; (4) Freedom of speech, of expression, and of the press; (5) Freedom of religion; (6) Liberty of abode and travel; (7) Right to information on matters of public concern; (8) Right to form associations for purposes not contrary to law; (9) Right to a just compensation when private property is taken for public use; (10) Right against impairment of contract; (11) Freedom of access to the courts; (12) Rights pertaining to persons under investigation; (13) Right against excessive bail; (14) Rights of the accused in criminal cases; and (15) Right to speedy disposition of cases. It has been revised seven times, starting from The 1899 Malolos Constitution, which was approved by then President Emilio Aguinaldo on December 23, 1898 and promulgated on January 21, 1899, and then the Philippine Organic Act of 1912 enacted into law by the United States Congress on July 1, 1902. Next was The Jones Law of 1916, enacted into law by the United States Congress on August29, 1916, followed by The 1935 Constitution, which was approved by the 1934 Constitutional Convention on February 8, 1935, certified by the President of the United States on March 25, 1935, and ratified by plebiscite on May 14, 1935. This was amended two times, on June 18 1940 and March 11, 1947. The 1943 Constitution, was approved by the Preparatory Committee on Philippine Independence on September 4, 1943 and ratified by the KALIBAPI convention on September 7, 1943. Following this is The 1973 Constitution, which was proclaimed in force by Proclamation by then President Ferdinand Marcos on January 17, 1973. This was amended three times, on October 16-17, 1976, January 30, 1980 and April 7, 1981. The present constitution, which is The 1987 Constitution, was first presented to then President Cory C. Aquino as The 1986 Freedom Constitution on October 15, 1986. This was approved by the Constitutional Commission on October 12, 1986. It was ratified by a plebiscite on February 2, 1987 and proclaimed in force by February 11, 1987. References: Pacaway, J. (2014, July 4). Philippine government with 1987 constitution. Retrieved from Philippine Constitutions | Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines. (n.d.). Retrieved from Salinas, S. (2013, December 16). Concepts of state and government. Retrieved from THE 1987 CONSTITUTION OF THE REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES – ARTICLE I | Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines. (n.d.). Retrieved from The History and Evolution of the Philippine Constitution | Law | Jcmiras_03. (2014, August). Retrieved from The Constitution of the Philippines: An Overview | Herald Digital Law Philippines. (2011, February 1). Retrieved from
Monday, September 16, 2019
Separate Facts from Inference
7) SEPARATE FACTS FROM INFERENCES One of the most important things during the process of interviewing the potential candidate for hiring them in certain post or position in the organization is the interviewers must be equipped with skills that they can separate facts from inferences that they have made earlier. What is fact? Fact is something that can be proven by observation from cause to effect. An inference is something that is inferred, or implied, by the existence of two conditions.For this, every manager, supervisors and Human Resource representative should be trained to be a fact-gathering interviewer. The interviewers have responsibility to obtain proper information about the job that the applicant wants to hire. This is what the interviewer must equip themselves because the candidates they meet for the first time must be screened thoroughly. The specific approach to a fact-gathering interview will depend on variety of things, including whom they are interviewing with, their knowledge about the job position offered by the organization itself, and their own personal preferences.Every interviewer must developed unique method in conducting a fact-gathering interview because different job post interview have different way or method in collecting facts from the candidates. As interviewers, they must start collecting important fact from the candidates such as in the interview for the job as PTD (Pegawai Tadbir & Diplomatik). PTD is one of the posts in Malaysian Civil Service. It is administrative or executive power machinery in implementing policies and government decisions to achieve the objectives and goals of the nation.In fact, this service has its own specialized field, such as International Relations and Foreign Affairs, National Security and Defence, Management of Information and Communication Technology, Administration and Regional Development / Land / District / Local, Planning and Social Administration / Infrastructure, Human Resource Management and Organization, Economic Resource Management, Resource Management and Finance.This service is a major leadership role in a variety of ministries and federal departments as well as some state administration as Secretary General, Deputy Secretary General, Director General, Deputy Director General, State Secretary, Ambassador, and the District Officer. For selecting the most suitable candidate to fill this critical job post in the government sector, the interviewers are from the members of the Public Service Commission (PSC) who have received their pension.Most of them were also the former Head of Department in government bodies from grade 54 and above. For the interviewers, they must put in mind this is a further assessment session and the final stage of shortlisting from the previous stages, in which a potential candidate is evaluated for a prospective employment. An interview would be the final instrument to evaluate and validate a candidate’s overall performance in the aspect s of knowledge, skills and personality. The interview hopes to determine whether or not the applicant is suitable for the job.Thus, the interviewer’s job is to gather as much as they can facts, opinions and they will make decision based on what they have gained from the candidates. Most of the interviews gained facts based on the questions that have been outline below: 1. Educational background 2. Family background 3. Way of the candidates walk 4. Communication skills 5. Style in standing an argument from selected ideas 6. Job experience All of the questions that will be asked such as educational and family background are needed to know the suitability with the job sector that they will be post.The family environment factors are also helping the interviewers to gain information if the candidates have experience to live in a family who are from the government servants, so they are likely can adapt well in the future job environment because of the exposure from their family. Lo oking into the way of candidates walk and their communication skills will relate us to the psychological development. For that, the interviewer must equip themselves with Human Psychological Knowledge.This is because, 50% of the accuracy of human behaviour can be read from their walking style and communication skills. For the question on standing an argument from selected idea is where the interviewer wanted to collect fact from the candidates their knowledge about administration world. Ask the candidates to list some information about current cabinet members, who is the current Chief Secretary of Government or KSN (Ketua Setiausaha Negara), Head of Civil Service and etc. The fact about parliamentary system, government policies and current issues were also being recorded. Question hat will be asked to gain candidate opinion can also be asked as additional information such as: what are your life goals, why want to be PTD and what you want to be in the next few years. 8) RECOGNIZE STE REOTYPES AND BIASES What is stereotype? According to Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, stereotype is defined as a fixed idea or image that many people have a particular type of a person or thing, which is often not true in reality. Bias is defined as a strong feeling in favour of or against one group of people, or one side in an argument, often not based on fair judgement.From those definitions, we can see that both conditions are usually occurring in the realm of hiring people for certain job. These problems must be eliminated by the managers, supervisors and Human Resource representative during conducting any interview because preferring stereotypes and biases will resulting in hiring people that are not capable in doing their job although the interviewer think the opposite. In the world of hiring workers, usually interviewers will involve in stereotyping when they start to form a generalization of opinions about people of a given gender, race, ethnic background, or app earance.These cultures of stereotyping have flourished in many conditions such as culture and everyday life, not forgetting organization and business world. Usually, interviewers use stereotype to make decision about hiring any person with little or no information about the person itself. For that, discrimination will continue to happen because the interviewers (managers, supervisors and HR representatives) will not selecting a person with concrete evidence and only based by sentiments.These are some examples of common stereotypes and biases that can be intentionally or unintentionally made by interviewers which could create problems such as not hiring suitable workforce needed by the organization thus creating liability and problems under employment discrimination laws. * Stereotypes in advertising for candidates (example: only selecting fresh graduates or only selecting worker for certain race because they are more hardworking. ) * Applicant’s appearances that make him/her seem unable to do job. * Refusing to pregnant women * People with disabilities and old people Younger people have high energy levels and are very open to learning new technology. * Disabled or handicapped person should be employed for a short term period. * Woman and minorities cannot do certain job or do not want certain job. * Candidates, who are shy during the interviews, will not perform well on the job. â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ [ 1 ]. http://wiki. answers. com [ 2 ]. (Stev e W. Schneider, n. d. pg 1) [ 3 ]. (http://imej. spa. gov. my/dev/pdf/ProfilingBasedRecruitment. pdf) [ 4 ]. ( Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, 2010) [ 5 ]. (ohioemployerlawblog. com, 2008) [ 6 ]. ( ohioemployerlawblog. com, 2008)
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Essay on Public Transportation Means
Public Transportation MeansNeed for holding public transit means particularly in Zouk Mosbeh – Lebanese republic, where Notre Dame University is located in order to:Reduce trafficReduce pollutionHaving a better and healthy topographic pointPossible causes of traffic jam in Zouk Mosbeh-LebanonLack of Planning of metropolis routeLow route infiniteUnplanned arrest or parking infiniteUnplanned metropolis growingHigh migration from rural to urban countriesDifferent velocity vehicleOver populationInsufficient and unequal route infiniteLack of jurisprudence executionNot plenty traffic constabularyLack of consciousnessPoor signaling systemPrivate autoImportant constitutions in Zouk mosbeh such as Notre Dame University and Louaize SchoolImpact of traffic jamEconomyFuel ingestionTransportation system costVehicle runing costHealth related issuesBreathing jobsConcernsMental emphasisUnexpected perspirationFatigueEye jobEnvironmental related issuesAir pollutionSound pollutionWastage and ing estion of clipPossible solutions for traffic jamPublic transit agenciesStrict jurisprudence executionSchool, university, office clip schedulingDecentralizationDetering private autosControling route side activitiesIncrease of public vehiclesIncreasing prosaic installationsMaximize of route breadthDecisionWe as victims will be relievedHaving a better life, and a better topographic point to populate inMentions:Butler, J. , & A ; Christopher, 2008. Road pricing, the economic system, and the environment. Publisher: German capital: Springer.Moutran, M.J. , 2010. Traffic jurisprudence enforcement in Lebanon in visible radiation of European and international pattern.Fioravante, E. F. , & A ; Figoli, M. G. B. 2009. Environmental impact due to automobile usage. Twenty-six IUSSP International Population Conference, Morocco.Issa, J. A. , 2010. Reporting on trafficking in individuals as human rights misdemeanor: instance survey Lebanon.O'Flaherty, & A ; Coleman A. , 2009. The DARPA Urban Challen ge: independent vehicles in traffic metropolis. Publisher: German capital: Springer.O'Flaherty, & A ; Coleman A. , 1993. Transport planning and traffic technology. Pulishers: Dutch capital: Elsevier/Butterworth-Heinemann, 1997Abou Jaoude, R. , 2013, June 14. Like traffic, Jal al-Dib tunnel programs at deadlock. The Daily Star.Paper Draft Public Transportation Means Transportation plays an of import function in our lives and particularly in our day-to-day modus operandi, including our place topographic point, work, drama, store, travel to university, travel to school, etc. It has a brooding control over residential forms or designs, industrial growing, societal and physical motion. Person should do a witting determination in order to turn up expresswaies, main roads, coach Michigans, particularly in â€Å"Zouk Mosbeh†where â€Å"Notre Dame University – Lebanon†is located. Transportation is a demand and is no less a public rights and quality of life concern. Health, clip, safety and the easiness of entree are the most momentous considerations in transit planning. Are we able to make something in order to promote people non to utilize private autos or to utilize them less by the intercession of public transit agencies? To be honest, by explicating the causes, impacts, and solutions for traffic jam in Zouk Mosbeh we might be able to achieve our ends, and make out for a well determined solution that suites decently everyone. Over the past decennaries, car production and the effort for main road building has gone viral, while urban mass theodolite systems have been disassembled or allowed to fall into disrepair. Hence, the terminal consequence has meant more traffic congestion, societal break, pollution, urban conurbation, wasted energy, and residential segregation. The more we disregard this affair the more jobs we will be confronting subsequently on. Peoples have non received the same public assistances from transit patterned advances and investings. Furthermore, some of the governmental policies in transit, lodging, environment, land usage, and environment may hold even subsidized to and exacerbated societal inequalities. For case, some communities accumulate net incomes from the enlargement undertakings of transit, while other communities endure a lopsided affliction and pay cost for the authorities. By and large, benefits are more disseminated, while costs or loads are more localised. Hence, holding a expressway for us as pupils to make Notre Dame University- Lebanon is non truly a benefit, because non all of us own a auto. A immense bulk of pupils suffer in order to make their university. For illustration, I as a pupil, suffer every twenty-four hours in order to make my category on clip. My journey starts by acquiring in a public coach and range Zouk Mosbeh Bridge ; afterwards as I reach my finish, I will hold to wait for 30 proceedingss at least in order to happen a cab that takes me to where my university is located. Furthermore, you will hold to pay duplicate the monetary value for the cab to take you to the secondary entryway of the university or else you will hold to walk from the chief entryway to make the secondary 1. For case, the same procedure takes topographic point as you leave university towards your place. Is this ethical? Do pupils who neither have a occupation nor have a auto have to travel through this procedure each and every individual twenty-f our hours? I believe that holding appropriate public coachs will break suit everyone. Furthermore, transit is critical to liveable, healthy and sustainable rural and urban communities. The transit strategy influences, and in bend is influenced by, fiscal enlargement determinations, existent estate’s investing determinations, land-use forms, and energy ingestion forms of the public and private sectors. The involvements of those doing transit determinations, upper and in-between category, educated governments chiefly, are served, while the demands, positions and involvements of people, are left out of the decision-making process, working, hapless and transit-dependent people, are non. The worthiness of societal justness and ecological sustainability are non major precedences and primacies in the bing transit system. On the other manus, traffic jam causes wellness jobs. We disregard these issues because we as users have no other solution for this affair. Each and every one of us decidedly suffer from take a breathing jobs, concerns, mental emphasis, unexpected perspiration, fatigue, oculus job, etc†¦ Our wellness is valuable without it we can no longer be able to accomplish our day-to-day undertakings. Then why non seek to work out this affair? Having several public coachs will decidedly hold less impact on our wellness than holding 1000000s of private autos. Most of import, clip is cherished why don’t we save it? We should be at least utilizing our clip for something utile, instead than passing it on route. Besides, in our Lebanese community, we have lack of planning of metropolis route. How much Numberss of autos can a low route infinite support? One of the major causes for our job is that, metropolis growing is unplanned ; neither are stoppage or parking infinites, every bit good as insufficient and unequal route infinite. Zouk Mosbeh is over populated due to the high migration from rural to urban countries. In add-on, there is deficiency of jurisprudence execution, hapless signaling system for drivers, and there is non adequate traffic constabulary to assist cut downing traffic jam. These are due to the deficiency of consciousness of our authorities. As for the of import constitutions in Zouk Mosbeh, Notre Dame University, and Notre Dame School, is a major cause for traffic jam. The route before was for local residential users, and now it has to back up pupils and teachers coming from everyplace in Lebanon. It is true that have such constitutions would increase economic facets, but t here should be a solution for traffic jam in order to ask for people in instead than allowing them go. Furthermore, there are environmental related issues due to the impact of traffic jam such as, air pollution, sound pollution, and noise pollution. How can we hold a healthy everlasting universe if we do non protect our environment? If we can non reconstruct our environment at an early phase, at least we should keep it and forestall its devastation. Hence, if cut down fuel ingestion, our environment will decidedly last thirster. On the other manus, there are some processs that could take topographic point and work out traffic jam. First, public transit agencies such as appropriate public coachs will for certain work out all the above jobs. Second, the authorities should implement rigorous jurisprudence by non leting high velocity vehicles on route, and they should deter private autos. For illustration, if the authorities In fact, the authorities should command route side activities and create arrest for coachs. Besides, there should be school, university, office clip scheduling. This will save clip for everyone. If we all go at the same clip, we will be spending clip on route instead than in university or work. Last but non least, increasing prosaic installations is of import. This would promote people to walk instead than sit in a auto making nil but perspiration. We are people who should take control of our lives. We should be wise plenty to larn from our mistakes. A healthy life is a right for everyone so why don’t we try to gain it?
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Report on Fmcg Market Sructure and Market Share
PROJECT REPORT ON FMCG MARKET SRUCTURE AND MARKET SHARE What is FMCG? FMCG is an acronym for Fast Moving Consumer Goods, which refer to things that we buy from local supermarkets on daily basis, the things that are non-durable, sold quickly, at relatively low cost, have high turnover and are relatively cheaper. FMCG’s constitute a large part of consumers’ budget in all countries. The most common in thelist are baby foods, toilet soaps, detergents, shampoos, toothpaste, cosmetics, shaving products, shoe polish, refined cooking oil, packaged foodstuff, soft drinks, chocolate bar, tissue paper and other household accessories and extends to certain electronic goods and other non-durables such as glassware, bulbs, batteries, paper products and plastic goods, such as buckets etc. These items are meant for daily of frequent consumption and have a high return. FMCG are products that have a quick shelf turnover, at relatively low cost and don't require a lot of thought, time and financial investment to purchase. The margin of profit on every individual FMCG product is less but as they sell in large quantities so the cumulative profit on such products are high. Hence profit in FMCG goods always translates to number of goods sold. The main segments of FMCG sector are : ) Personal care, Oral Care, Hair Care, Skin Care, Personal Wash (cosmetics and toiletries (soaps), deodorants, perfumes, male grooming, feminine hygiene, paper product); 2) Household care (fabric wash laundry soaps, synthetic detergents, household cleaners, such as dish/utensil cleaners, floor cleaners, toilet cleaners, air fresheners, insecticides and mosquito repellents, metal polish and furniture polish); 3) Packaged food and health beverages (flour, tea, coffee, sugar, staples, cereals, dairy products, chocolates, soft drinks, juices, bottled water, snack food, chocolates a nd cakes) 4) Tobacco. India ; the FMCG Market: The Indian FMCG sector is an important contributor to the country's GDP. The Indian FMCG sector with a market size of US$14. 8 billion is the fourth largest sector in the economy and is responsible for 5% of the total factory employment in India. The FMCG industry also creates employment for 3 million people in downstream activities, much of which is disbursed in small towns and rural India. This FMCG industry has witnessed strong growth in the past decade. This has been due to liberalization, urbanization, increase in the disposable incomes and altered lifestyle. Furthermore, the FMCG boom increased due to the reduction in excise duties, packaging innovations etc. and unlike the perception that the FMCG sector is a producer of luxury items targeted for the elite but in reality, the sector meets the every day needs of the masses. The lower-middle income group accounts for over 60% of the sector's sales. At present, urban India accounts for 66% of total FMCG consumption, with rural India accounting for the remaining 34%. The growing incline of rural and semi-urban folks for FMCG products will be mainly responsible for the growth in this sector, as manufacturers will have to deepen their concentration for higher sales volumes. Many of the global FMCG majors have been present in the country for many decades. But in the last ten years, many of the smaller rung Indian FMCG companies have gained in scale. As a result, the unorganized and regional players have witnessed erosion in the market share. Availability of key raw materials, cheaper labor costs and presence across the entire value chain gives India a competitive advantage. The FMCG market is set to double from USD 14. 7 billion in 2008-09 to USD 30 billion in 2012. FMCG sector will witness more than 60 per cent growth in rural and semi-urban India. The bottom line is that Indian market is changing rapidly and is showing unprecedented consumer business opportunity. History of FMCG in India: In India, companies like ITC, HLL, Colgate, Cadbury and Nestle have been a dominant force in the FMCG sector well supported by relatively less competition and high entry barriers (import duty was high). These companies were, therefore, able to charge a premium for their products. In this context, the margins were also on the higher side. With the gradual opening up of the economy over the last decade, FMCG companies have been forced to fight for a market share. In the process, margins have been compromised, more so in the last six years (FMCG sector witnessed decline in demand). The following are the main characteristics of FMCGs: †¢ From the customer’s perspective: 1. Frequent purchase 2. Low involvement (little or no effort to choose the item  products with strong brand loyalty are exceptions to this rule) . Low price †¢ From the companies perspective: 1. High volumes 2. Low contribution margins 3. Extensive distribution networks 4. High stock turnover Major FMCG companies in India: Hindustan Unilever Ltd. , ITC (Indian Tobacco Company), Nestle India Ltd. , GCMMF (AMUL), Dabur India, Asian Paints (India), Cadbury India, Britannia Industries, Procter & Gamble Hygiene and Health Care, Marico Industries, Nirma, Coca-Cola, Pepsi MARKET SHARE OF FMCG COMPANIES (BABY FOOD) IN INDIA FROM 2001 TO 2010 Bottom of Form In the above pie chart we see the total sales during the financial years from 2001 to 2010 of various FMCG Food Beverage companies in India . THE COMPARATIVE DATA OF % MARKET SHARE OF NESTLE INDIA LTD. WITH ALL OTHER COMPETITOR, DURING THE LAST 10 YEARS FROM 2001 TO 2010 (Above graph showing the FMCG Food Beverage – Baby Food companies percentage market share in the last 10 years from 2001to 2010) So we can see that in overall FMCG business Nestle India Ltd is distantly ahead of the rest of the companies as far as market share is concerned. MARKET SHARE IN THE YEAR 2010 Measurement of Market Structure: Herfindahl–Hirschman Index: Si is the market share of the ith firm Numbers-Equivalent of firms: Reciprocal of HHI FOOD BEVERGE COMPANIES (BABY FOOD)| MARKET SHARE IN 2010 (Si)| | Cadbury India Ltd. | 0. 185753| 0. 034| Cepham Milk Specialities Ltd. | 0| 0| Continental Milkose (India) Ltd. | 0. 012213| 1. 491| Glaxosmithkline Consumer Healthcare Ltd. | 0. 188628| 0. 036| Heinz India Pvt. Ltd. | 0| 0| Jagatjit Industries Ltd. | 0. 084911| 7. 209| Kaira District Co-Op. Milk Producers' Union Ltd. | 0. 028029| 7. 856| Nestle India Ltd. | 0. 75272| 0. 225| Raptakos, Brett & Co. Ltd. | 0. 025194| 6. 347| TOTAL =| 23. 198| Therefore, HHI = = 23. 198 Reciprocal of HHI = 1/23. 198 =0. 043 Priyanka please check the previous calculation, I am not getting the correct data. FMCG SALES GROWTH OF LAST 10 YEARS As per the sales figures received of the year 2001 to 2011, in the past 10 years from 2001 to 2010, after plotting the datas, we notice that the graph f or Nestle is steeply rising, where as for Cadbury and Glaxo, the graph rise is considerable, but for Jagatjit and Milkfood the graph rise is very minimal. Thus Nestle being the market leader enjoys the position of the market laeder and also the profit. FMCG SALES VOLUME GROWTH IN THE LAST 10 YEARS FROM 2001 TO 2010 (Graph showing the FMCG trend throughout the last 10 years. ) FUTURE OPPORTUNITIES India is a fast developing country with a huge population whose per capita income is growing rapidly and there is huge opportunity for the FMCG companies. The opportunities are as follows: * Increasing per capita income is driving FMCG growth in India * India’s consuming class is growing rapidly Changing consumption pattern: Per capita income of Indian customer is increasing and FMCG products are relatively elastic in nature hence the expected sale should increase. PER CAPITA INCOME (Rs) (Above graph showing the trend of Per Capita Income of Indians and datas are collected from a research made by Govt. of India). ) As shown in the above graph the Per Capita Income of an Indian increases gradually throughout the years, and if this trend continues, then in future Indian Population will have more purchase power and will purchase more FMCG products. % OF PAST POPULATION RISE AND FUTURE EXPECTATION Above graph shows the past population and expected future population rise, data are collected from the research made by Govt. of India). Here by the above graphs we can see that there is huge scope for FMCG products and since Nestle India Ltd. is the market leader in India hence it can gain the most out of it. SWOT ANALYSIS: Strength 1. Low operational costs 2. Established distribution networks in both urban and rural areas. 3. Presence of well-known brands in FMCG sector. Weaknesses 1. Lower scope of investing in technology and achieving economies of scale. . Low exports levels 3. Counterfeit Products. Opportunities 1. Untapped rural market 2. Rising income levels 3. Large domestic market-. 4. Export potential 5. High consumer goods spending. Threats 1. Removal of import restrictions. 2. Slowdown in rural demand. 3. Tax and regulatory structure. CONCLUSION Customers in India are also spending more in FMCG as their standard of living are growing. Though there was some downfall in sales and profit, in the beginning of this decade but after that considerable rise in both sales and profit, is seen. Many FMCG companies has started project, to directly reach the rural market. This may be considered as a revolutionary step since the urban market is reaching its saturation level and there is a huge scope exploring in the rural market. This will also be helpful not only increasing its market share but also fight competition. BIBLIOGRAPHY In order to make this project we have taken the help of the following websites & books: * www. wikipedia. com * www. oppapers. com * www. scribd. com Besides it, various books were also consulted to prepare the project report.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Glider 1 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Glider 1 - Assignment Example This paper declares that a glider usually has got 3 forces acting on it while in flight in comparison with 4 forces that normally act on an aircraft that is powered. Both kinds of aircrafts are all subjected to drag, weight, and lift forces. For the powered craft, there is the engine thrust that opposes the drag; however, there is no thrust for glider. A glider must generate lift so as to oppose its own weight for it to fly. For lift to be generated, a glider ought to move via the air. A glider’s motion via the air produces drag. In the case of an aircraft that is powered, the drag is opposed by the engine’s thrust; however, the glider lacks an engine to produce thrust. With nothing to oppose the drag, a glider will rapidly slow down till it can no longer produce adequate lift to resist its weight, and falls down to the ground finally. This report makes a conclusion that it does not matter the length of the moment arm is to be employed. This is because both short as well as long moment arms are endowed with their advantages as well as disadvantages respectively. For instance, a disturbing force normally has a superior impact on an arm that is short as compared to one that is long. A long moment is slow to respond to stabilizing forces and thus loses its earlier advantage to a short one. However, on throwing, a glider with short moment arm recovers more rapidly due to stabilizing properties, whereas a longer moment ship usually attains more height before it finally recovers fully, going into a straight glide.
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Personal Nursing Philosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Personal Nursing Philosophy - Essay Example In most literature of nursing practice, the paradigm of nursing has been equated to caring, which makes the definition of nursing fit as a hands-on support that is delivered from a nurse or a health professional to a patient, based on medical interventions (Yong, 1998). This paradigm may be said to be a multi-variant paradigm meaning it has several aspects and scopes. For example nursing encompasses the task of a nursing professional to offer help to people and also to help reduce suffering and pain among people. Nursing as a paradigm has therefore been said to have come about as a result of the fundamental reason that people train to be nurses. This means that nursing is rooted in the need for a practicing nurse to seek the wellbeing and improved health of her patient as his or her sole source of satisfaction and reward (Walker et al, 19990). This paradigm was therefore used or employed by making attempts to serve humanity through professional application of medical health. Health: Health has been explained to be a relative state of wellness and wellbeing (Lynn and Oliver, 2003). The term relative is used to depict two major ideas. The first is that health can be interpreted from different perspectives according to the person needing it. A typical example of this is two patients, one of whom is suffering from cancer and the other from malaria. For the patient suffering from cancer may deem a day that he finds himself alive and in less pain as a day that health was achieved. The other patient suffering malaria would also find a day he achieved health as one in which the symptoms of cold and fever were down for him. The other idea of health as being relative is that health is measurable. This means that a person can rate health such as being good, better, best, bad, worse, and so on. This paradigm was employed as a concept of ensuring equality in the provision of health care to people so that at the end of the day, all can enjoy some level of health delivery. Environment: The Environment has been explained to be an embodiment of everything that to the recovery of the patient (Pender et al, 1990). This means that the environment is basically every health and medical phenomenon around the patient. This may therefore include both logistics and human resource. Logistics may refer to the availability of medicines, standardized patient beds, laboratory services, and other tangible materials used in the delivery of health care. Human resources on the other hand may refer to people like laboratory technicians, nurses, doctors, pharmacists and ward attendants. In some
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Home depot Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Home depot - Essay Example Home Depot had been doing quite well in growing from 1 to 1,000 big box stores in 21 years. It reached the $40 billion faster than anyone ever has (Charon, 2006). Their success was tied to the fact that they seemed like a warehouse, including the fact that they were cluttered and their lighting was not great. Their culture was one of having a huge inventory would sell a huge inventory. Store managers did pretty much what they wanted to do and there was very little in the way of consequences to pay. In fact, most of these managers did not know whether they were doing well or not. This is the atmosphere and culture that Robert Nardelli walked into. He seemed to be direct opposite of the culture that was presently within this corporation. He used techniques from his leadership style that very much mimic what Schein would say would work. He decided to first go to the core of the beliefs that Home Deport management had. This according to Shien is where the overall assumptions that employees and management have about their organization. In this case Home Depot thought they were successful and that that success was built upon the casual attitude they had, including how their stores were run. However, it's share price was dropping and the competition was doing well. Mr. Nordelli also wanted to extend services which Home Depot had seen themselves as a big box business that mostly men visited. To make this happen, Mr. Nordelli had to tackle the other two layers. The values of this company have been that the management team was had made all their own decisions regardless of what the corporation thought, sometimes sabotaging deals they did not agree with. They had previously been very autonomous. He changed this by giving them information that blatantly showed what their own production looked like and how successful they were. He then held them accountable for their own performance with the expectation that it would improve and the values of those who stayed began to change. They actually became a very cohesive group. Those things that Shein (2009) would call artifacts included those things such as a messy story with little signage and heaped product. One visit to Lowe's gave them new insight as to where their artifact was headed. Women were shopping at Lowe's as well as men and they were talking about the new big box everywhere. This had to change and the only way the new leadership would see that is to be confronted and they were. However, Nordelli was just the beginning for Home Depot. When Nordelli left, Donovan arrived. He found that though some things had been tightened up there was a long ways to go. He found that managers were not as accountable as they seemed and they were getting excellent reviews even when their stores were failing. He also saw that there were different standards according to where the store was. He put into place a culture change toolbox which many corporations have picked up to use at this stage. The culture toolbox (Charon, 2006), included new artifacts such as data templates, reviews and conference calls, new values which were driven through those artifacts and strategic and operating planning and Monday morning conference calls and new assumptions at the core brought on through all of the change that occurred through these changes. In conclusion, Home Depot was successful from the
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Forensic Evidence Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Forensic Evidence - Research Paper Example Current technological trends have revolutionized the methods of storing data along with different advanced access mechanisms. These systems facilitate law enforcement agencies by providing instant access to these characteristics. Although, computer forensics also facilitates in investigation of crimes within themselves in order to gather evidence associated with criminal activities that breaches violation of an organizations policy. The data can be extracted from storage devices including hard drives, flash drives, memory cards etc (Computer forensics – a critical need in computer, n.d ) Every online user leaves behind logs related to activities that he or she performs online. This digital traceability can reveal activities that are performed by the user on the Internet by identifying who has identified which files along with logs of each website visited. Temporary files can also reveal flash templates and buffered videos. These traceable logs, files, cookies, templates can fa cilitate a great deal to analyze crimes that are committed from computers and may provide solid evidence against the hacker or cyber-criminal. However, many users trust in files after deleting them from the hard drive but there are many ways and methods via which these files can be recovered. The operating system usually does not delete complete files from the hard drive, even if the user deletes the files from the recycling bin. The files are still present, until they are replaced or overwritten by new files. These traceability factors can lead to aid in forensic investigations and can track down criminals by investigating their computer. For instance, during the execution of a search warrant at the residence of John Robinson who was a serial killer, law enforcement agencies discovered two bodies that were badly decomposed along with seizing of five computers (Computer forensics, n.d ). After investigating computers, it was discovered that the serial killer John Robinson was using internet to find people to schedule a meeting. Afterwards they were killed by sexually assaulting them. These facts were only possible by forensic computing techniques and were not possible by physical evidence and investigation (Computer forensics, n.d ). However, many techniques are associated with forensic computing, few techniques are categorized in to two groups i.e. Graphical User Interface (GUI) based forensic tools and Command line forensic tools (Conklin 2005). The command line tools are relatively small, they can be stored in floppy disks as compared to heavy, and slow GUI based forensic tools. However, command line tools also share some disadvantages in terms of their limitations as they are not capable to identify .zip files and .cab files. GUI based tools provide a graphical user interface and is said to be user friendly because specialized knowledge is not required as compared to command line tools requiring commands on every operation. The disadvantage for GUI based t ools is that they are large and cannot be saved in a floppy disk (Conklin 2005). Similarly, organizations also require a proactive approach for threats that may penetrate within the internal network and extracts or expose sensitive information. There are many ways of forensic data acquisition on a network; we will only consider best practices. Network-Based Evidence Acquisition Practices Network management is effective on many vital management functions. If any one of them is not properly configured, effective network management is not possible. Data acquisition is classified as a vital management process that needs to be addresses proficiently. Likewise, Wireshark will only utilize data that is available
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