Friday, December 27, 2019
The Decline Of Human Cultural Diversity - 1283 Words
Languages are being rapidly lost, at a rate of extinction. Serious concerns over the impending loss of human cultural diversity have caused many organizations to actively start engaging in the upkeep of languages. Early studies have identified areas with a high number of endangered languages, and preformed investigations. What they came across was the population size of the culture, and how vast of an area the language is spoken in, are key factors to the decline of languages. Other factors include; mass genocide, evolution, economics growth or decline, religion, a change in culture can be a partial cause for the endangerment or extinction of a language. The main factor is usually when a more powerful and pronounced language over takes the smaller subdivision languages, somewhat related to what the Lingua franca. An example of this would be in Canada. In parts of Canada such as Quebec the primary language is French, but in other many places in Canada, Toronto, Thunder Bay, Montreal , the primary language is English, so French is become less common throughout the country. The more powerful and know language allows for less language barriers, and allows easier communication. So what does it mean for a language to become endangered? It means extinction may be in the near future. Only a few people still speak the language and when they become deceased the language will soon cease to exist, unless they preserve documents or it continues to get passed on. How many languagesShow MoreRelatedImportance Of Transcultural Nursing920 Words  | 4 PagesA patient’s cultural background is important in many ways. First, their cultural background affects the type of care they receive. Some patients choose spiritual healing over traditional Western medicine. Other cultures choose not to seek hospitalization when ill and are cared for at home. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019
The Theme of Family - 1694 Words
The Theme of Family in the Oresteia and the Medea Understanding Greek tragedy depends upon tracing the growth of characters and themes within the plays and how they help to highlight the greater significance of the work. A prominent theme discussed by the tragedians is that of family and is dominant in both the Oresteia and the Medea. The Oresteia centers on concepts of what family is and how obligations within a family transcend personal desires and dictate the life of individuals. The Medea on the other hand focuses upon the sanctity of familial bonds that must be cherished and how the family can be used to extract revenge and inflict pain upon a person. Both works share the idea that the ties within the family bring certain†¦show more content†¦The play sheds light on the familial bond of marriage between Medea and Jason. He treats her as if she’s â€Å"something won in a foreign land†who, since he no longer has use of her, can be disposed. In her misery Medea tells us that she not only eloped with Jason b ut also betrayed her father and her household in doing so. (74:476-484) Thus, we are forced to see her torment as a punishment for her previous actions. It seems pretty clear that Jason and her share a â€Å"diseased love†and their relationship has been built upon exploitation and lust. The realization that the play is trying to draw is that one cannot replace familial bonds with those of infatuation and that betrayal of your family has terrible consequences. Medea was the cause of pain for her father and in return receives pain from her own family as well. She eventually is able to see her wrong doings (86:799-802) yet the sexual jealousy that encompasses her drives her to revenge. It is clear that Jason must suffer for his actions yet the innocent slaughter of the foolish king and his pure daughter portray her as a wicked spiteful creature. She seems to be driven by a value system that is inconsistent with that of the tragedies i.e. the beliefs of an epic hero. But in th e world of tragedy, epic has no place and we see the nurse trying to wish away its existence.Show MoreRelatedTheme Of Family Loyalty In Hamlet1078 Words  | 5 Pagesrelationship with others helps develop a person’s values and beliefs. William Shakespeare illustrates the theme of how committing to a certain task can easily be renounced in the event of family loyalty being jeopardized or personal beliefs at stake. Themes of family loyalty and personal struggles are represented through Ophelia’s hardships with having to be forced to decide between her family and Hamlet. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019
The Supervisors role in the modern organization free essay sample
For years supervisors have been taken as a â€Å"necessary†link between middle management and workers. However the role of the supervisor is becoming more and more crucial for the final outcome of the process since: The human talent began to be considered as a competitive advantage. The work force becomes multicultural and, the workplace starts to be more complex, team works are a mix among full- timers, part-timers, temps and contract workers. Companies started to implement quality and productivity programs (ISO certification, Just in Time, etc. )The regulation to protect worker’s rights has increased and, occupational health and safety are a big responsibility. Globalization leads the companies to downsizing, outsourcing and flattening the organization structures by reducing management levels. From the complicated and vertical organizations in the 70s and 80’s, with innumerable levels of command, where the supervisor was reduced to the penultimate step of the structure and, control and report were its basic functions, it went over to a flat and light structure in terms of levels of command, but more complex, in which the supervisor plays a relevant role facing new challenges on a daily basis. We will write a custom essay sample on The Supervisors role in the modern organization or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Nowadays there are many substantial differences between the â€Å"old style†and the â€Å"new style†of a supervisor. To meet all the requirements inherent in 2|Page The supervisor’s role in the new organization E. Martinez the modern structure, due its complexity, the role of the supervisor has changed dramatically. No more top-down approaches, no more people directed through regulations, procedures and policies, no more autocratic supervisors are needed in the modern structure. Instead of being an insignificant player in the corporative ladder, supervisor become in a key position because many middle and upper level positions have been eliminated in the organizational hierarchy trying to make it flat. Flat structure implies that more responsibilities, power, and authority have been delegated to lower level managerial positions; the role of the front line supervisor is more relevant in the decision- making process and now he has received more empowerment, training and, autonomy. Upper-level managers put more attention to supervisor’s recommendations. Due to this, supervisor must have talent, knowledge and leadership if they want to be successful in a challenging corporative environment. The Rules and the scenario have changed, so the actors have to adapt to the new condition. The supervisor of the new organization must have proven qualities as â€Å"pluralistic leaders creating work environments that invite everyone’s involvement by promoting cooperation and mutual respect. †(Greer, page 263) 3|Page The supervisor’s role in the new organization E. Martinez You manage things; you lead people. Rear Admiral Grace Murray Hopper The supervisor’s role in the new organization. Many authors have found radical differences between Management and Leadership. Peter Drucker explained the difference as â€Å"Management is doing things right, leadership is doing the right things†another way to say it is to attribute to the leadership, the mission of change and to the management the mission of achieving operation efficiency. However supervisor within the new organization must have the perfect balance of both features. Is not easy be a leader without being a good manager, â€Å"both functions are crucial and successful supervisors and leaders display both leader and manager skills and behavior†(Greer, page 258) Leadership: the key of success. Leadership is not a gift some people have and some do not. The supervisor who wants to play a relevant role in their organization must have the capacity to lead their team to achieve corporative goals, shows the direction in which the team has to move in the future according with the corporative vision and earn the respect from the team not because of their power or authority but because of commitment with the process and integrity to work. Leadership is always an important ingredient for greater productivity. A supervisor-leader who meets the needs of their followers and understands that the more important factor in the process is the human talent and finds ways to make it work, training it and 4|Page The supervisor’s role in the new organization E. Martinez giving support to it in the process, achieves higher productivity levels and reduces the margin of error, which is the same to say they create value for the company (Profit) and its workers (well-being). But everything in leadership is not about the team and its inputs and outcomes. The supervisor, as a leader, must show their team that they are good managers. The better supervisor they are, the easier will be the leading process in a group. Moreover it is this combination of leadership and management which allows you to have an upward mobility and being a candidate to a promotion within your organization. The leadership model should reflect the supervisor personality, and must be like a trade mark: unique and unrepeatable. In order to put more leadership into their job in a modern structure, supervisors must develop the following roles. 1. Being an effective communicator. One of the roles of the supervisor is being a spokesperson. Managers expect for them to be their voice and the channel to spread the mission of the company and management’s point of view, because they are the best way to transform management’s plans into actions, and their team expects to hear them speaking with authority and backing them up in front management.. 2. Being a coach forever. Coaching is a process that begins with the initial training and never ends. This principle also applies to the leader-supervisor; they have the obligation to prepare 5|Page The supervisor’s role in the new organization E. Martinez themselves constantly in and out of the company to be a good coach. Everybody involved in Leadership need to be focus on self-awareness and self development. Coaching is a partnership between the leader and the trainee centered in achieving goals. The principal aim of coaching is to develop the person being coached. 3. Being a good decision-maker. Decision-making is one of the fundamental elements of leadership in the new organization. In a leader-follower relationship effectiveness and decisiveness are two qualities that followers value highly. It is a complex process that involves knowledge of the process and the consequences that the decision implies. A good decision- maker inspires respect so their followers feel they rely in good hand. 4. Being a Mentor. This is one of the most abstract roles that the supervisor should play in the modern organization. Being a mentor to team members goes beyond the role of counselor. The main objective is to find a balance between work and personal life of the employee. Helping the employee find the true value of their work the SupervisorLeader â€Å"creates and maintains a positive force that pulls followers in one direction with enthusiasm and dedication.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Kite runner creative free essay sample
Creative Writing The way I saw It Inspired from the book, Kite Runner By Chalked Hostels Its a hot and stuffy afternoon which didnt help with the disgusted and hurt feeling I felt inside. I never thought that I would be betrayed by my best friend Emir maybe he was scared of being hurt by Safes- I dont blame him for being afraid but I wish that he helped me that day. I was hanging up the washing when I heard a voice say, Come with me. To my surprise I turned to see Emir and I was so happy to see him, but at the back of my mind I was also curious about what he wanted to show me.I followed him to the hillside where he used to read all his stories to me. He was a talented writer and I enjoyed listening to his stories all the time. We will write a custom essay sample on Kite runner creative or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page He already made It to the top of the hill, wait! I shout desperately trying to catch my breath. I finally reach the top and there Is an awkward silence between myself and Emir while we stand there looking at each other. I try to make conversation by asking how his school was and what he was learning. I am always fascinated by what he had learned at school and sometimes it made me wish that I went to school too.It is eating too hot to think of things to say to him, so I think it is best to stay quiet. We then move to sit under the pomegranate tree to cool down. However the ground is far too hot to sit on and we decide to stand under the tree. We stand there again in silence- not a word was said. I could tell that Emir wanted to say something to me but he didnt say anything. Maybe he wants to talk about what happened and that he was sorry for abandoning me with Safes. I look up to find him looking around searching for a fresh pomegranate I think he must be thirsty from this hot weather.Finding one he asks, What would you do If I hit you with this? HIS question stunned me; It Is not like him to say this. Maybe Its a Joke or a test to see how loyal I am to him. Im always loyal to Emir and would never do anything to hurt him. Without saying a word I suddenly started to feel sticky and I look down to see the fresh Juices of the fruit covering me. I freeze. Before I knew it Emir Gaga is throwing pomegranates at me one by one. I sense fear and guilt from him which made me upset. He starts to shout at me and telling me to hit him, but I didnt want o do that.His shouts got louder and I want him to stop because now my top is drenched from the Juices. The only way to get him to stop was to do something; I didnt know what to do. Suddenly the sound of his shouts began to muffle out and I find myself grabbing a fruit from the ground and I press It firmly against my forehead. Do you feel better now? I say. I run all the way back home and quickly wash up before my father sees me. It is nightfall, and I need time to think about what happened. Emir is not himself better day tomorrow, because its Emirs birthday.
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